Congrats to Molly Jones for receiving best poster award at the 2017 Texas A&M Summer UG Research Poster Presentation, for her poster entitled “Imaging Phase Transformations in Multifunctional Alloys”.
Welcome to New Group Members!
New MS student Michael Deckard joins team, focusing on thermal properties of thermal energy storage composites. Also, we’re joined by TAMU UG research Aaron Garcia and REU UG Molly Jones (joining us from Ole Miss). Welcome to the team, all.
Emmons defends MS Thesis!
Congrats to Emily Emmons – first Shamberger graduate student to successfully defend her thesis!
Shamberger awarded New Materials Educator award by ASEE, Materials Division
Shamberger was notified that he is the recipient of the 2017 New Materials Educator award by ASEE, Materials Division. Shamberger will receive the award and present a paper at the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference in Columbus, OH.
Brown/Karaman/Shamberger win MRX Emerging Investigator Award
‘Impact of cycle-hysteresis interactions on the performance of giant magnetocaloric effect refrigerants’ by Brown, Karaman, and Shamberger is selected by MRS for the “Best Paper award of 2016” for their Emerging Investigators Edition. See the full volume here.
Yijia Zhang passes Qualifying Exam. Congrats!
Clarke publishes first paper on nonvolatile resistance switching
Clarke et al. publish ‘Microstructure dependent filament forming kinetics in HfO2 programmable metallization cells’ in Nanotechnology, detailing the role of oxide microstructure on filament formation process. Congrats!