Multi-Physical Co-Design of Next Generation Axial Motors for Aerospace Applications – ARPA-E
Senior Personnel: H. Toliyat (PI), D. Antao (Co-PI), M. Benedict (Co-PI), P. Enjeti (Co-PI), J. Felts (Co-PI), M. Gardner (Co-PI), J. Grunlan (Co-PI), B. Rasmussen (Co-PI), P. Shamberger (Co-PI)
With this effort, we join a team of researchers focused on the design, fabrication and testing of a lightweight and ultra-efficient electric powertrain for aircraft propulsion to reduce the energy costs and emissions of aviation. The team’s technology will reach unprecedented peak power density and efficiency via (1) an axial flux motor with lightweight carbon fiber reinforced structural material, (2) a GaN multilevel inverter, (3) a thermally conductive nanocomposite electrical insulation and (4) a two-phase thermal management system with zeolite thermal energy storage to absorb the excess heat generated during takeoff. Each subsystem is designed for tight integration with the other subsystems to minimize weight.
Within this overall effort, we focus on designing zeolite thermal energy storage media to balance energy density and instantaneous cooling power demands through innovative use of hydrophilic binders and microscale thermally conductive support structures. Specifically, the PHATE lab is developing (1) a novel desorption-based cooling system for this powertrain, and (2) a hydrophilic porous metal wick for evaporative cooling. We are particularly interested in developing zeolite-based composite TES to achieve this. In this ongoing, effort we have demonstrated an energy density of greater than 1 kJ/g of TES material, and have demonstrated robust light-weight evaporators based on porous aluminum foams.
Key Publications:
- S. Chakravarty*, W. Hinz*, D. Antao, P.J. Shamberger. Overcoming Thermal Energy Storage Density Limits by Liquid Water Recharge in Zeolite-Polymer Composites, Matter, published online (2024). doi: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.06.038
- E.T. Iverson, H. Legendre, S.V. Chavan, A. Aryalx, M. Singh, S. Chakravarty*, K. Schmieg, H.-C. Chiang, P.J. Shamberger, A. Karim, J.C. Grunlan. Nanobrick Wall Multilayer Thin Films with High Dielectric Breakdown Strength, ACS Appl. Eng. Mater., 1(9), 2429-2439 (2023). doi: 10.1021/acsaenm.3c00439
- A. Aryal, A. Bradicich*, E.T. Iverson, C.T. Long, Hsu-Cheng Chiang, J.C. Grunlan, P.J. Shamberger. Thermal conductivity of multilayer polymer-nanocomposite thin films, J Appl Phys, 132, 195104 (2022). doi: 10.1063/5.0102203