Research Opportunities: Graduate & Undergraduate Researchers
The group currently has an openings for a qualified and enthusiastic PhD student in the field of neuromorphic materials (starting Fall 2025) and for motivated undergraduate students. Feel free to contact the PI directly (include a CV and brief statement of interest) to express interest in joining the research group.
Fatima JardaliSenior Research Engineer
Email: fjardali {at} |
Soonwook KimPostdoctoral Researcher
Email: sk27 {at} |
Graduate Students
Sophia AhmedGraduate Student (PhD)
Email: ahmed.sophia97 {at} |
Denali IbbotsonGraduate Student (PhD)
Email: dibbotson {at} |
Chase SomodiGraduate Student (PhD)
Email: csomodi {at} |
Yeonju YuGraduate Student (PhD)
Email: leahyj109 {at} |
Sarah McQuaidGraduate Student (MS)
Email: smcquaid {at} |
Lucas OelkersGraduate Student (PhD)
Email: lucasoelkers {at} |
Jenny ChongGraduate Student (MS)
Email: jenchong {at} |
Derian MorphewGraduate Student (PhD)
Email: dmorphew {at} |
Undergraduate Students
Leo Toro FigueiraUndergraduate, Senior (MSEN) |
Gwyneth SvatekUndergraduate, Senior (MSEN) |
Lindsey FordUndergraduate, Senior (MSEN) |
Bryan DuongUndergraduate, Senior (MSEN) |
Layan SamandarUndergraduate, Senior (MEEN) |
Joseph LealUndergraduate, Senior (MSEN) |
Ryan RangeUndergraduate, Senior (MEEN) |
Atharva ShastriUndergraduate, Sophomore |
Group: Through the Ages
Post-Doc Alumni
Amy Bolon: PD Researcher. Transitioning Salt Hydrate Phase Change Materials (2017) {Currently with Enterprise Products}
Eunju Jung: PD Researcher. Effectiveness of Active Learning Pedagogies in an Introductory Materials Science Class (2015-2016) {Currently PD at Univ Indiana – Bloomington}
Graduate Student Alumni
Sourav Chakravarty: PhD. Engineering of Thermo-responsive Materials in Transient Thermal Systems
(2019 – 2024) (Intel)
Carlos Lago: PhD. Thermal Management and Defect Engineering in Reversible Transformations
(2019 – 2024) {TSMC}
Rebeca Gurrola: PhD. Selective Modulation of Metal-Insulator Transitions Through Ion Irradiation and Ion Implantation for Neuromorphic Applications
(2019 – 2024) {Postdoc at Sandia National Lab – Albuquerque}
Mason Shoalmire: MS. Heat Transfer through Ceramic Interfaces and Reaction Layers
(2022 – 2024) {GE Aerospace}
Adelaide Bradicich: PhD. Electrothermally-Induced Spatial Inhomogeneities in Nonlinear Electronic Materials
(2018 – 2023) {Postdoc at Sandia National Lab – Albuquerque}
Alison Hoe: PhD. Characterization and Modification of Thermal Response through Intentional Design of Phase Change Material Composites
(2017 – 2022) {Lockheed Martin}
Wenting (Mo) Hinz: MS. Desorption and Evaporation of Liquid Water Recharged Zeolite-Polymer Composites
(2020 – 2022) {Currently with Texas Instruments}
Aashik Shreshtha: MS. Numerical Simulation and Design of Hybrid Oscillating Heat Pipe – Phase Change Materials for Radiator Panels
(2019 – 2021) {Entekk Group}
Michael Deckard: MS. Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in PCM Heatsink Structures
(2017 – 2021)
Yijia Zhang: PhD. Size Effects on Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformations in Heusler Alloys
(2015 – 2020) {Sherwin Williams}
Aliya Yano: MS. Effect of Chemical Doping on Metal-Insulator Phase Transition in VO2
(2018 – 2020) {Maestro}
Tim Brown: PhD. Engineering Hysteresis and Non-Diffusive Phase Transformations in Magnetocaloric (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) Alloys for Magnetic Refrigeration Applications
(2014 – 2019) {Currently Postdoc at Sandia National Lab – Livermore}
Heidi Clarke: PhD. Local Characterization of Resistance Switching Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides
(2014 – 2019) {Currently with Samsung}
Emily (Emmons) Marcon: MS. Corrosion of Common Heat Exchanger Materials by Lithium Nitrate Trihydrate
(2015 – 2017) {Currently with Samsung}
UG Alumni
Gwyneth Svatek: “Wetting Characteristics of Porous Aluminum”, TAMU (2023 – 2024).
Veronica Gonzalez Fernandez: “Measurement of Phase Change Materials Dynamics”, TAMU (2022 – 2024).
Alex Foncerrada: “Materials Informatics of Plastic Crystals”, TAMU (2022 – 2024).
Mya Williams: “Nucleation in Erythritol”, TAMU (2023 – 2024).
Jose Cortes: “Dynamic response of PCM under time-variant loading”, TAMU (2020 – 2023).
Emilio Morales-Cortazar: “Thermal Conductivity Measurements via 3 Omega Method”, TAMU (2021-2023).
Colton Brietzke: “Numerical Simulation of PCM Dynamics”, TAMU (2022).
Gabby Garza: “Thermal conductivity of molten salt hydrates”, TAMU (2021-2022).
Albert Franke: Robust cycling in liquid-hydrated zeolite-PVA composites (2021-2022).
Nurbek Ozganov: Processing of zeolite thick films (2021-2022).
Nicole Person: Irradiation of VO2 devices, Sandia National Lab Summer Internship 2021 (2021-2022).
Drew Worthy: Machine Learning of Material Thermophysical Properties (2019-2021).
Ezra Duke: Heat Transfer in Zeolite Powder Beds, Summer 2019 REU (2021).
Natalie Patton: Energy and Power Density of TES modules, Summer 2021 REU (2021).
Fabiola Alamo: Thermal Transport in Liquid Salt Hydrates (2019-2021).
Andrew Balog: Metal Insulator transitions in doped VO2 films/ systems (2018-2021).
Haley Jones: Development of Salt hydrate PCM eutectics (2018-2021).
Carolina Martinez: Characterization of Phase Change Dynamics in a Slab (2019-2020).
Hunter Harris: Thermophysical Properties of Salt Hydrates (2019-2020).
Julia Billman: MFM Imaging of Magnetic Domains in Magnetocaloric Alloys (2017-2020)
Nathan Turner: Synthesis and Characterization of Ternary Salt Hydrate Eutectics/ Machine Learning Models of Thermophysical Properties (2017-2020)
Jessica Paredez: UG Researcher (ECEN). Synthesis and Properties of Salt Hydrates (2018-2019)
Jenny Gosney: Summer 2019 REU. Isothermal Transformation Kinetics in Salt Hydrate PCMs (2019)
John Moynihan: UG Researcher (CHEN). Measuring Reversibility and Solidification Rates in Salt Hydrates (2017-2018)
Daniel Galvan: UG Researcher (CHEN). Assessing the Performance of Fe2P Alloys Under Various Magnetic Refrigeration Cycle (2015-2019)
Laura Deremo: UG Researcher (ECEN). Failure in Electrical Resistance Switches (2017-2018)
Gabriela Lammoglia: Summer 2018 NextGen Intern. Materials Design of Magnetocaloric Alloys (2018)
Nandha Ramasamy: UG Researcher (MEEN). Magnetic Force Microscopy of MCE materials (2018)
Thomas Jordan: UG Researcher (MEEN). Dissipative Neuromorphic Materials(2017-2018)
Jonathan van Buskirk: UG Researcher (CHEM). Hysteresis in MCE Materials (2018)
Sara Wonner: Summer 2018 REU, Nucleation in Salt Hydrate PCMs (2018)
Joseph Anderson: UG Researcher (PHYS). 3D Tomography of Conductive Filaments (2018) UG Honors thesis {Currently PhD at Purdue Univ., IN}
Aaron Garcia: UG Researcher (MEEN). Thermophysical Properties of Salt Hydrates (2018)
Molly Jones: REU Summer Intern. Phase transformations in Heusler alloy thick films (summer 2017).
Sunita Kumari: IITK Summer Intern. Structure of insulating composites (summer 2017).
Elizabeth Yee: UG Researcher (CHEN). Decomposition of Ammonia Salts (2017)
Sarah Hammock: UG Researcher (CHEN). 3D cAFM Imaging of Conductive Filaments in HfO2 Resistive Switching Devices(2015-2017) UG Honors thesis
Bill Caraway: UG Researcher (MEEN). Imaging Phase Transitions in VO2 particles (2016-2017)
Nick Gripp: UG Researcher (CHEM). Decomposition of Ammonia Salts (2016-2017)
Ben Musil: UG Researcher (CHEM). Decomposition of Ammonia Salts (2016)
Siddharth Srivastava: IITK Summer Intern. FEM Simulation of Resistance Switching Phenomena (2016)
Tyler Buffington: UG Researcher (MEEN). Thermodynamic Efficacy of Irreversible Magnetocaloric Effect Cycles (2015-2016) UG Honors thesis
Adam McClellan: UG Researcher (ISEN). Materials Stability of Thermal Energy Storage Materials (2015-2016)
Xander Majek: UG Researcher (PHYS). Electrical Resistance Switching in Sputtering Grown HfO2 Devices (2015-2016)
Erika Salzman: HS Researcher. Undercooling in Mg(NO3)2 hydrates (2015-2016) {Currently UG at Caltech}
Yasushi Mizuno: UG Researcher (MEEN). Entropy of Fusion in Low Melting Point Alloys (2014-2015)
Taylor Messinger: UG Researcher (MMET). Thermal Properties of Salt Hydrate (2015)
Joshua Murley: UG Researcher (CHEN). Indirect Entropy Measurement in Magnetocaloric Effect Materials (2014-2015)
Best presentation award at UG Gulf Coast Research Symposium
Shelby Turner: UG Researcher (ECEN). Electrical Resistance Switching in HfO2 Dielectrics (Spring 2015)
Temi Balogun: UG Researcher (MEEN). Electrical Resistance Switching in HfO2 Dielectrics (Fall 2014)
Trey Torno: UG Researcher (CHEN). Magnetic Domain Structures in Magnetocaloric Heusler Alloys Near the FOPT. (Summer 2014-Fall 2014)
TAMU USRG Fellowship
Anna Rubin: UG Researcher (MEEN). Salt Hydrate Thermal Energy Storage Gels. (Summer 2014)
Pawan Bhandari: UG Researcher (MEEN). Thermophysical Properties of Low Melting point Alloys (2014)